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Meeting Minutes, April 2009

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:41 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
Fellow Feathers Meeting April 14, 2009
Meeting to order 7:30 PM

In attendance: Jimmi F., Adrian D., Pat A., Arnel S., Dave R., Damien D., Eric M. and Steve R.

Presidents report:

- SR replaced and protected the temp/hum sensor in weather station. Will move sensor indoors soon.

- In process of reviving the Funston Air Races! Bought stop watches, need time to put up turn point pylons.

- Presented update on Fed and CA non profit apps, posted update on discussion board.

- Brought new T-shirts! Due to sales tax reporting, T-shirt fund raising will need to be done by private individuals who can make a donation to club later. Club will no longer give free shirt with sticker donation over $40-

- Met with attorney who advised that we need to replace our old bylaws with those written for a corporation. These new bylaws should not contain hang gliding specific rules. In preparation of new bylaws, SR made motion to place existing Bylaws Section X “Dicipline” into the Fellow Feathers rules. Voted and passed 7 to 0. SR will edit rules and pass on to tech team for posting on web.

- Presented aforementioned corporate bylaws for review. Copies are available on request. Voting to replace old bylaws with new bylaws will begin at the next club meeting on May 12, 2009. SR placed written notice in announcement box.

- Pilots need to keep launch and LZ clear of spectators.
SR proposed the club spend $110.00 on new traffic cones with which to make a Cone & rope fence. Eric suggested using the yellow poly rope in the clubhouse. Voted and passed 7 to 0. SR will purchase cones ASAP.

-Solution to dog bite / poop problem in process, waiting for update.
GGNRA Chief Law Enforcement Ranger Yvette Ruan has requested that pilots call Dispatch 415-561-5505 and make reports. We can also email her a request to make a formal report at

- New 5 year SUA being worked on with GGNRA, Jessica will make presentation to management in near future.

- Clubhouse Manager- Charlie still in NZ, contact SR with any issues.
There have been some incidents in the clubhouse with unidentified gliders being in the wrong spaces. These rogue gliders make it very hard to sort out problems so every glider needs to have the owners name on it per the Clubhouse rules!

- Safety Officer- John Simpson had told SR since many new pilots now have their H-3 rating, old H-2 issues are not happening any more.

- Training Bowl Director- Tom Jensen had told SR he is prepared to do low profile grooming, Contact Tom about work party.

New club member Jimmi F. said he knew a lot about tech and would be willing to help out with the club. SR will introduce him to Daniel Pifko.