Change Westlake Director to a Webmaster/Webcam Director?

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Change Westlake Director to a Webmaster/Webcam Director?

Postby Daniel Pifko » Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:02 am

Over the past 4 years that I’ve been involved in the club board we have continued the club’s decision not to run a sticker program for Westlake anymore. I agree with that approach and, based on the discussions I’ve seen, so does the majority of the rest of the club. Managing the Westlake sticker program is one of the only two official roles of the Westlake Director, the other being to participate as one of the heads/bodies on the executive board to manage general items as they come up. In short, the main reason for having a Westlake Director is gone and, I believe, we don't need it anymore.

Now, in fairness, our current Westlake Director - Gordon - has been working for several months to improve access to the Westlake tandem launch. I think that's great and I support it. I also think it can be done this year in his official role and, if it spills over, in following years with non-board members and the "general purpose" President and/or Vice-President.

On the other hand, there’s some work involved every year in keeping the web site, web cams (2), pilots’ wireless Internet access and clubhouse computers going. It’s far less work to manage than it was to set up, but we still need someone in charge.

I’m more than happy to take care of that now, especially since Daniel M. has been both helping with the ongoing problems and adding capabilities with the membership database. But over time I will pull out of that role. It’s just how things work. So I’d like to set up an ongoing position at the club to keep up the existing services. I don’t believe an appointed position is going to work. Those seem to come and go, and the webmaster/tech guy needs to be there.

So what I propose is that, starting with the 2009 board, we change the makeup of the board so there is a Webmaster/IT Director position instead of a Westlake Director position. That would keep the number of Directors 7, which is especially important to avoid tie votes.

The existing board responsibilities are here.

Agree? Disagree? Thoughts?
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Daniel Pifko
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IT Director

Postby Dan Brown » Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:46 pm

The creation of an IT Director has merit and should be considered. The WEB site and camera have become essential to flying at Funston. Many pilots make their decision to come to the Fort, some from long distances, based upon the camera and wind information. An IT Director recognizes these essential services and the contributions made by those who have spent many hours building and maintaining the site.

The functions and importance of the Westlake Director have been diminished over the years. 35 years ago it was challenging in the gliders of that day to go to Westlake. Now it is routine. According to our Bylaws the only function of the Westlake Director is to manage the Westlake Sticker program and the Sticker program has fallen into disuse.

Supervision of new Westlake pilots is delegated to almost all Hang IVs. Our Rules state:
“Hang IV pilots may fly south of the Bowl without restriction. The first
two flights south of the Bowl by pilots without Hang IV ratings must be
supervised by a pilot who has made at least 25 flights to Westlake.
Before the first flight, the pilot shall read and sign a Westlake form.”

Adding or removing director positions require amending the Bylaws but that should not be difficult. I don’t have a copy of our Permit but it may mandate a Westlake Director. If this is correct, the Westlake Director may be combined w/the Vice President.

Dan Brown
Dan Brown
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