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Dan Murphy memorial fly-in, BBQ and Funston Air Races!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:44 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
You are cordially invited to the Dan Murphy memorial fly-in, BBQ and Funston Air Races! The event will take place at Fort Funston on Sunday August 19, 2007. Everyone is welcome to attend, but you must be an intermediate or higher rated hang glider pilot to fly.

We don’t have a hard schedule at this time, but you can figure that flying will start when it gets soarable, the Air Races sometime after that, BBQ in the afternoon and Dan’s release to be determined. Hey, it’s all about having fun so let’s be flexible!

Of course we can use all the help we can get, so if you are willing to lend a hand with logistics, please contact one of the following;
Larry Carpenter is coordinating the scattering of Dan’s ashes, Rafael Lavin is lead BBQ chef, Brian Foster is chairman of the race committee, and yours truly will be the general cat herder. I will also be offering friends and family tandem flights if conditions permit. If you don't have someone's contact info just email me (president) at and I will put you in touch.

Come on out and play!

Limited parking

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:15 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
The Olympic Golf Club (next door to Fort Funston) is hosting a championship golf tournament this weekend. They have a permit to use a great deal of the Fort Funston parking lot , so we can expect parking to be be quite limited. Please car pool if you can.

Air Race

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:04 pm
by zippidy
I'm still looking for a couple people to volunteer to be a turn point judge on the top of the westlake cliff. Beer will be provided...

I also need stop watches!

The course is going to be from launch to a point at the top of the westlake cliffs, back to launch. Backup plan if it is foggy will be sprints from launch to the north end and back.

That said, here are the Air Race Rules.

1. All launches will be directed by a launch director. Launching without a launch directors ‘OK’ means you will not be timed.

2. Your time starts when your feet leave the ground.

3. Your time ends when you cross the line made by the bushes on the north side of launch. You must be west of the cliff and at launch height or above.

4. A judge will mark the turn around point at the top of the cliff at Westlake. Waving of an orange flag will indicate you have made the turn point. In order to make the turn point your height must be even with or above the judge.

5. Ridge soaring rules still apply. Racers must obey all ridge soaring rules and right-of-ways.


Brian F
RACE DIRECTOR (currently accepting bribes and favors...)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:11 am
by diev
Parking will be the challenge if you don't get out there early as the golf tournament has rights to the whole parking lot this weekend (talked to John (parking mgr for the event)) and we sectioned off almost a 1/3 of the parking lot last night for us pilots.....but as they need it they will fill our area also. It is going to be a parking mess out there so get out there soon if you don't want the hassle.
p.s. BYO Drink/cup