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Like surfing at Waikiki...

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:48 am
by aviatorjames

While in the air on my two short flights last Sunday, I felt like everyone was paying attention and being vigilant to avoid a mid-air.

On the ground however, I saw several approaches that I felt were way too close to the non-flying crowds out trying to enjoy a beautiful day. While breaking down, I heard yelling and looked over to see somebody frantically herding pedestrians out of the way of a pilot making an approach to the take-off area.

Perception can be reality.
When a non-pilot sees a guy flying right at a group of people walking on the trail, they aren't thinking.. "Wow, that pilot is so skilled that he can fly within mere feet of those people!" They're thinking.. "Wow, those guys really don't have total control over those gosh-dern hand-gliders!"
...ok, off my rant.

Last year, there was discussion about making some informative/interpretive signs. I still think it's a great idea and that the club (..whatever you wan't to call it..) should make this a priority for this year.

We have a lot of talent in our midst that have done great work (..just look at this awesome website!!..) and I'm certain the park service would be happy to help.

Fly safe.
Land courteous.

Warnings and warning signs

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:18 am
by Daniel Pifko
Agreed. Someone counted 32 wings of all varieties in the air at Westlake at one point.

The park installed small warning signs last year indicating the Hang Glider Landing Area. There's one by the water fountain and one on the path coming up from the beach just below the cliff level. I'm very appreciative the signs were installed but, in hindsight, I should have pushed harder for big yellow graphics rather than just the words that ended up on the signs.

I completely agree that there were too many close calls on Sunday. A few items to add:

* at least one pilot was suspended for a week and several others were given official warnings, all due to flying within 25 feet of pedestrians. Generally the pilots took the warnings well, agreeing that they had messed up as pilot in command and promising they wouldn't do it again.

* the walking path has been moved back from the cliff toward the landing area. Not everyone is familiar with this, so their judgement may have been thrown off.

Add all that to light winds and you have near misses. I'm glad we're willing and able to jump on this before someone gets knocked over.


I'll add

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:19 pm
by diev
It was hard to land away from people, unless you landed WAY back....
At one point in the air, after going over the wake falls a number of times, I wanted down, but when I got back over to the LZ area the path was FULL of people walking and some standing watching. (it was a great day to be outside). So I would have to do another pass going over more falls and then come back (I wanted to just stay by the LZ and wait for an opening but too much air traffic so we had to keep it moving)...and the path would have even more people on it, or another pilot would take the opening and go land.
It was a tricky day with lots of people and pilots, sorry to hear about a pilot being suspended, it was not an easy day to land out there.