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Use of clubhouse glider slot for other that individuals...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:25 pm
by cliffblack
While issuing stickers a few days back, I met a guy (Berkley hang gliding club member) that wanted to get a key to the clubhouse and take out a glider. He said it's owned by the Berkley hang gliding club. This seemed strange to me (as a virtual steward of the clubhouse) I thought only an individual pilot (vs... club) could have a spot.

Please bring up the up at tonight's meeting or next month, basically we should terminate the rights of the pilot that has that slot (which he is using as a storage space for Berkley club use) to even attempt to do this is a breach of basic integrity.

As we discussed, the glider slots and access is for individuals (pilots in good standing with over 20 hrs flying per year) NOT clubs with varying member lists/qualifications and degrees of integrity! I don't have a problem with this individual pilot having a slot (registered to him, not Berkley Hang Gliding Club) as long as he meets the 20 hr flying minimum. If he wants to let a member of the Berkley club fly HIS glider, located in HIS slot, he needs to BE THERE to use HIS key to get the glider out himself! Whatever he does after that is his business.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:19 am
by Steve Urbach
I am in total agreement with you on this. When you do not know /who/ has the key, problems can happen. The owner (of the key and glider ) must be PRESENT at the fort.

Use of clubhouse for other organizations

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:00 pm
by cliffblack
This should be a non-issue. It was discussed in the monthly meeting on June 9th. Basically, glider slots go to individuals and not clubs. The Berkley club members are very welcome to apply for individual slots as long as they met club requirements.

Berkeley club

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:04 pm
by charlie nelson
I think that if any of our members is asked by Berkeley Club members for entry to 'our' building , we should politely decline.

Ask them how they would feel if a stranger or non member showed up at Their Clubhouse wanting to get inside.

It sounds unsafe to fly somebody else's beater glider that was a resident ruster at Fort Funston, just so they wouldn't have to go pick up their own glider.

With all due respect.

the majority of the Berkeley Club follow and adhere to our rules, but this is 'pushing out' too far.

Charlie N Clbhse mngr.

re: Use of clubhouse glider slot for other ...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:54 pm
by Gw.
a "multi-user spot" was discussed and agreed at a meeting two years or so back. Daniel M. should have more information about this.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:50 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
Daniel M. was at the last meeting when this was discussed and he agreed that one member/one space is the best policy. It's actually written that way into the clubhouse rules and while we did make an exception for a period of time, there is strong support from the membership for getting back to following those rules. There is a very short waiting list at this time so any Berkeley pilot who is interested in a space should join the club and get on the list ASAP!