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both cams frozen?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:43 am
by diev
thats ok, now I don't have to sit here at work and see everyone out there flying ;)

(note:when this image is not black the cam is back up)

Cameras down?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:44 am
by Jason Brush
Diev - looks like everything stopped working at 5:30 a.m. I may head out there in a while; are they difficult to reset? If someone gives me instructions I'm happy to do it (if it ain't already fixed by the time I get there...)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:24 am
by diev
With it all going down I would think it was the DSL/Modem/Router or the power to any or could really be a number of things though, and could be as simple as restarting the DSL modem.....But I would hope Daniel or someone else also tried to figure out why it they would need to see it's current state (whats wrong now) so I would say let them check it out.
I don't think it's as simple as plugging a power cord back in that was kicked out (at 5:30 am ) ;-)...but (for example) if this were the case, they should change where it was plugged in and not just plug it back in to be kicked out again..

Weather Station down

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:44 am
by Jason Brush
Well, I believe Daniel has mentioned others being able to reset it in the past. There are probably some simple things --as you suggest-- that anyone could try if they know where to look. It makes sense to me to have any keyholders (who care to know) know a couple of tricks. I'll bring it up at the next club meeting.

But as you say, perhaps it's a more technically-involved fault this time with everything dead. In any event, of course I won't go poking around without any instructions from someone who knows. I'll probably head out after lunch -- so I'll be available if Daniel, or someone, wants to post some simple potential fixes for me to try. I'll also mention it to any pilots who might be out there. Otherwise, I'll leave it be.
Cheers, JB

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:58 am
by diev
>I'll bring it up at the next club meeting.....

good idea.....maybe create a list something like this that could go on the wall back by the DSL Modem and router/switch....

1. Check power lights/ DSL signal lights on modem. (DSL getting to clubhouse)
2. Call this number (xxx)xxx-xxxx and see if the DSL is down...
3. Check eathernet port light on modem...(talking to router)
4. Check Uplink port light on router (getting DSL)...(test with wireless laptop)
5. Check eathernet port light on Router for PC (DSL getting to PC)....
6. Turn all off, turn on modem, wait for DSL light steady on then turn on router, then PC....

(and again I'm not sure about the power to all these, if they are even on a UPS / surge-spike protector but it could be something that simple (it could have died) but that no. 1 (check power lights) should answer this)

And again that no. 2 should always be done first to save you hours of wasted time (if no lights).....


Back in action

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:57 pm
by Jason Brush
perfect - sounds like a plan, Diev.

Appears all's well again, through no fault of my own. :wink:
I'm heading over in about 15 min.

Cheers - JB

Group Reset

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:16 pm
by Daniel Pifko
Hey guys,

Thanks for jumping on this. Yes, it looks like the network went down this morning to both the DSL in the clubhouse and the DSL in the ropes building. Probably AT&T doing work.

So a few things for general consumption:

Resetting the Network: if you think the clubhouse network needs rebooting, go into the clubhouse and check near the computers at the back of the building for a remote that looks like this:


Press the "off" button beside the "network" label (or words to that effect). Wait 20 seconds and press the "on" button. This will turn the router and dsl modem off and on and should fix many network problems. Please do NOT turn off the camera, as the software needs to be reset for it to start working again.

Self-Healing reboot: the system restarts the network and the camera once daily in the middle of the night. If you can't get to the clubhouse to manually power cycle the system, it should heal itself by the next day. In this case the DSL went down after the self-reboot.

Please feel free to post here in the future if something is down for any length of time. We have some automated monitoring and alerts but not everything is covered.
