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New clubhouse rules and waiver

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:31 am
by Steve Rodrigues
Our Clubhouse rules and waiver needed to be updated to be more in line with our incorporation and new Special Use Agreement.

Dan Brown has generously provided a draft document, please see below.

A club vote will be taken at the November meeting to accept these changes.

Thanks Dan!



1. Subject to the availability of space, Fellow Feathers of Fort Funston Hang Gliding Club, Inc. (Club) allows Voting Members the privilege of storing hang gliding equipment in its Clubhouse.

2. The term of Club membership is the calendar year. The membership fee will not be

3. The privilege to store equipment in the Clubhouse is not transferable.

4. The Clubhouse key may not be duplicated.

5. All equipment must have proper identification; either the member’s name or a brass tag indicating spot number. Equipment not having proper identification will be considered abandoned and not authorized to be stored in the Clubhouse and shall become the property of the Club and may be sold at auction with the proceeds going to the Club.

6. All equipment left in the Clubhouse and not removed within 30 days after the expiration of the membership or loss of the privilege to store equipment in the Clubhouse will be considered a donation and shall become the property of the Club and may be sold at auction with the proceeds going to the Club.

7. The Clubhouse shall be used in a careful manner. Respect shall be shown to the property of others. Failure to use the Clubhouse in a careful and respectful manner or to follow Club rules and regulations may result in the loss of the privilege to store equipment in the Clubhouse.

8. The Club, its officers and members, and the GGNRA, its officers and employees, assume no responsibility for the loss, damage, or theft of equipment or any other item stored or left in the Clubhouse or for injuries sustained while using the Clubhouse.

9. The Club has the right to open and inspect all property in the Clubhouse.

10. No flammable liquids, explosives, or illegal substances may be stored in the Clubhouse.

11. The Clubhouse building is insured but there is no insurance for its contents or for injuries sustained in using the building. The building is not fireproof or weatherproof. Access to the building is by a key provided to all Voting Members. Members store equipment and use the building at their own risk.

12. Members shall be responsible for damages caused by them to the property of others in the Clubhouse and to the property of the Club.

13. Each Member shall indemnify and hold harmless the Club, its officers and members, and the GGNRA, its officers and employees, against all claims, actions or proceedings, costs, damages and liabilities connected in any manner with the member’s use of the Clubhouse.


Signed: ___________________________________________________

Date: ___________________

Rev 10.15.09


PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:53 pm
by fakeDecoy
Are there already premade brass tags for each spot? I have a glider in my spot now that I haven't yet marked.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:18 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
Either Charlie or myself can make you a new tag. An easy and better alternative is to put your own name on the glider bag. A strip of Dacron attached to the zipper, ala MSC, works very well. Please email with your choice.