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Sponsor guidelines

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:13 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
There are many things that we could make rules about, but rather than have pages and pages of detailed regulations, I think what we really need are some written guidelines for sponsors.

I'm trying to keep the FF H-2 rules to a minimum and hope to provide some official Sponsor guidelines as a supplement.

I just threw together an outline and would love to get your feed back and suggestions. This is a very rough draft so feel free to have at it!

Sponsor guidelines, Draft copy

An “Advanced Funston Pilot who is sponsoring an H-2 pilot at Fort Funston shall:

Check for;
- ½ Funston sticker. (indicates current USHPA H-2 and GGNRA waiver signed)
- check logbook for recent flights

- glider, preflight
- harness, preflight
- streamer attached

- pilot’s attitude and stress level
- wind strength and gust factor
- wind direction
- tide level
- obstructions on beach: people, drain pipe, etc
- stability of conditions: are white caps approaching, is tide rising, etc.

- FF rules, H-2 rules
- international ridge rules (if H-2 will attempt to soar)
- current hazards: drowning, rotors, etc
- alternative landing approaches
- flight plan

Assist with H-2 launch;
- help find “sweet spot” on launch
- wire help as little as possible
- talk as little as possible

- good launch, landing?
- in-flight control of glider including speed and turn coordination
- follow flight plan?

- ask H-2 for self assessment
- discuss sponsor’s observations
- suggestions for next flight