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Funston Training Bowl oreintation this weekend

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:22 pm
by cliffblack
Event this weekend: Saturday 23 May 10 A.M. ; Funston (where else do you want to be?)

Hang Gliding training bowl orientation and trash pick-up.

Hi, I will be leading an orientation walk of the Fort Funston hang gliding training bowl Saturday. The site has four take-off areas to practice and train on; it’s a whole lot of fun and will make you a much better and safer pilot by flying there. Since I was appointed the training bowl director, I want to be sure everyone qualified has an opportunity to see the site and decide if it will work for them.

The walk up paths look very good now, the site is open and available to any USHPA Hang 1, fellow feathers waiver, with demonstrated skills in turns and cross wind landings. This is not a raw beginner site, the rule here is TOD (turn or die), In other words, never land in the surf. If you can’t turn, please don’t fly here.

Anyone interested can meet me Saturday at Funston about 10 AM. We will walk down to the beach and check out the entire training bowl area and pick up some trash along the way. Please bring plenty of water, its great exercise. See you there rain, fog or shine!

Best Regards


PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:57 pm
by cliffblack
I before e except after c

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 11:14 am
by fakeDecoy
Awesome, Tom. I'd like to see that and maybe try it out for kicks. If I don't go to McClure Saturday I'll be there.

Dave K.

Re: Funston Training Bowl oreintation this weekend

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:23 am
by Steve Urbach
cliffblack wrote:. This is not a raw beginner site, the rule here is TOD (turn or die), In other words, never land in the surf.

Been there, Done that in front of God and Channel 2.

Don't Land In The Surf.

I was lucky George Whithill and the Channel 2 crew were there to pull me in from 1' of water (most of it on top of my 170 Seahawks sail)

Training Bowl Orientation

PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2009 12:40 pm
by cliffblack
The first Fort Funston Fellow Feathers training bowl orientation was a success, attracting six pilots! The pilots present were Mary, Jim, Tim, Gonz, Patrick and Rick. We walked the entire training bowl and checked out five launches. I briefed the pilots on the characteristics of each launch and re-enforced safety concerns. After the orientation and waiver signing, Tim, Jim and Gonz walked down to the training bowl with their gliders and tried it out! I flew later in the day and it was nice to see gliders back in the training bowl again on my way to and from West Lake.
Jim was able to make three safe soaring passes on the lower cliff. I saw him later and he was very happy to have access to a site closer than Ed Levin or MSC! The conditions were to strong to launch H-2’s off the top; however, it was strong enough to soar the lower ridges. John Simpson flew down to the lower ridge in his Sport II, landed, then gave the pilots some pointers and re-launched showing them how it’s done. John you are an inspiration, your help was sincerely appreciated.
I introduced the new pilots to some of the more experienced pilots and the veterans were very helpful, friendly and supportive. Thanks to everyone involved for a safe, productive and enjoyable day. I intend to have another orientation in a month or two.

Best Regards

PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:51 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
Congratulations Tom on a successful orientation.
You are a credit to your appointment and continue to be a great contributor to the club!
Many thanks,

wingless h2 wants to join the party

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:13 pm
by jesse2006
former kitty hawks kites employee who taught a lot of people their first day hang gliding lessons on the dunes would like to do some casual flying and join the fort funston crew.

i own no car or garage so owning a hg seems impractical at the moment but would like to stay in the sport. i have purchased a paraglider as it fits in my closet and is easily transported. is this bowl bi-wingal?


PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 8:42 pm
by fakeDecoy

The training bowl is something Tom is doing mainly for H2s. The main ridge (H3) we fly every soarable day (almost every day lately). To do that you just need to get an intro and sign a waiver.

If you have a harness and stuff I'll let you fly the "scary glider".

Paragliders launch at the Dumps, 3 miles south.

Dave K.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:15 am
by jesse2006
i have flown a "scary" glider one time and almost sh*t my pants. it was a mark iv with some internal problems that would oscillate terribly and i thought i was going to have to throw my chute and or die. another reason i have quietly shifted to paragliding.

i would be happy to trade air time (with my gin bolero paraglider) with someone owning a safe falcon as i feel very comfy on those.

thanks for your reply tom.