Fellow Feathers Special Use Permit proposed amendments

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Re: Fellow Feathers Special Use Permit proposed amendments

Postby Urs » Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:32 pm

Time to delete the trolls. At least Rick C. has the guts to post his name. Thanks Rick.

Where can we freely and namelessly post on the BAPA board?

Rated PG will soon be not rated PG. I hold a private pilots license so your story about slower gliders not needing to get out of the way are outright false and an outright lie. It's called piloting. Read your USHPA rules as well.

Delete this idiot. All white gliders. Really? Obviously this clown doesn't know anything about aviation because whatever he/she/it's doing isn't about aviation.

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Re: Fellow Feathers Special Use Permit proposed amendments

Postby Steve Davy » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:30 pm

Urs wrote: I hold a private pilots license so your story about slower gliders not needing to get out of the way are outright false and an outright lie.

Now that is some fantastic logic there, Urs!
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Re: Fellow Feathers Special Use Permit proposed amendments

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:17 am

spork wrote:
Steve Rodrigues wrote:# Don't fly lick a dick!

You missed some critical punctuation...

"Don't fly. Lick a dick!"

Not my personal preference, but to each his own. Just here to help.

Hey Rick, Thanks for pointing out the typo!
(I can just hear all the "Freudian Slip" comments now)
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Re: Fellow Feathers Special Use Permit proposed amendments

Postby Steve Urbach » Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:08 am

I have been reading this thread for awhile.
Where has this less than civil, them vs us come from?

There has always been speed range differences at Funston. Manta Fledgling & Standards flying at the same time.
The overtaking pilot was responsible for doing so safely.
To do this, we talked (loudly :mrgreen: ) to each other so the slow pilot would keep a steady course during the pass.

There was also limits on how many in the air at the same time on marginal days.

We shared the air
We were civil
We had FUN
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Re: Fellow Feathers Special Use Permit proposed amendments

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:46 am

Dear PG Rated Pilot,

The "word at the Dumps" you refer to is incorrect, the Fellow Feathers are not pushing to have the Dumps regulated.

You are welcome to attend our club meetings and learn for yourself exactly what our members are talking about. Much better than posting long rants and spreading rumors based on hearsay.

Also, it would be nice of you to share your real name so I know whom I'm speaking with. If you don't want to post it publicly, please email me direct: steve at skypuppy dot net


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Re: Fellow Feathers Special Use Permit proposed amendments

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:09 am

Rated PG,

You will have to ask Dave to confirm, but I believe he was referring to the potential BAPA / GGNRA Stables Special Use Permit that could affect *BAPA members* no matter where they launch from.

His quote does not say that the "Fellow Feathers club is pushing hard, and talking with the parks dept to try and regulate the dumps side." That is something that you have made up yourself.

You are making claims that are neither substantiated nor true, with the result of inflaming both communities for no good reason.

If you don't have the integrity to investigate the facts before making claims, then your posts mean nothing, especially since you are not willing to take responsibility for what you say.

I will make you this promise: If you contact me directly to seek the truth, I give you my word that I will not make your name public.

But if you can't man-up and do the right thing then I'm wasting my time responding to someone hiding behind their keyboard. So your can either get in touch with me or find yourself posting to empty cyberspace.
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Re: Fellow Feathers Special Use Permit proposed amendments

Postby sporty155 » Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:15 am

I have a few answers and questions for you mr or Mrs Rated pg person...

You wrote: I hear about how you guys like to slash each others tires, call cops on each others, threaten lives and lawsuits. This is the fine people in your club. Then you have other people like Urs Kellenberger threatening to get pilots ratings pulled. Don't want any part of your clubs nonsense. Some of the stories we hear make you guys seem psychotic. Purposely buzzing dog walkers, pedestrians and paragliders. Police arresting people at your meetings

Yep.... a lot of that has happened in the past but we have cleaned up our club and its not happening now, if you went to our meetings or flew at funston you would know that...Our club is a better place.

You wrote: -- Keep screwing things up by pissing off the paraglider pilots with your nonsense about where we can fly or not fly, and park dept with your recklessness and arrogance, and Funston will be next. No amount of "we were here first" will stop it from happening.

I'm not sure how long you have been flying in the area but yes, the hang gliding club came first, its been at funston for many years and unfortunately its not a safe ridge ( 1/4 mile long) for HG's and PG's to mix. if you don't believe that then learn to fly a HG and come on out, I'll have a few PGs fly with you and you can see first hand why its a bad idea.... And the reason it works down at the dumps is obvious, the lift band is hundreds of feet wide and high, lots of room to play...not the case at funston.

I don't see where you get the idea that "we stared this" assuming we want to impose rules on your flying site. Personally speaking I don't care what you do at your site as long as pilots don't fly into funston so I'm not sure where you get that idea from.. and you say it doesn't matter that we were here first? actually it makes all the difference, we were here first, formed the club and as a club we have decided that PGs wont launch or land here and that its not safe to mix on the ridge. why isn't that being respected?

Ill just cut to the chase and answer that for you... a number of PG pilots are getting tired of walking down to the dumps, launching and landing and then walking back up to the parking lot, I get it... its probably a pain in the ass and its not fun..
So the only place around aside from the stables launch is funston, Drive up, walk 100 ft on flat ground and go.... Perfect place for the guy or girl that cant walk up a hill.....I cant speak for everyone in the club but that's my observation.

So... steve has offered to talk to you on the phone and answer questions, I will offer the same because the negative tone, name calling and assumptions in your posts are just not what we engage in anymore, it goes nowhere fast..

Your call...
Rob Johnson
VP @ Fellow Feathers fort funston

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Re: Fellow Feathers Special Use Permit proposed amendments

Postby charlie nelson » Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:27 am

Hi guys and gals , keeping in mind that the entire point of the above discussion is to prevent future irate telephone calls and emails from a few PG pilots to the GGNRA managers, let's look at what these squeaky wheel PGers have accomplished . they've annoyed the GGNRA managers enough that the managers are balking at the renewal of Special Use Permits that have existed for over 30 years. There are 4 individuals who consider that to be a major victory , a feather in their caps. for perspective , go back in time to when the existing Stables flying limit rule was created, in the 1990's. HG had been flying the entire area for over 15 years, the Funston Club made sure that every one was insured that flew there. . PG was newly invented, mostly unregulated and uninsured , ( compared to HG at Funston) and PGers asked the Park for an area to fly . The GGNRA allowed the Stables to be Specially Used as a launch and PG's began to fly the lower cliffs, not going to Funston per the agreement .The property on which the Stables exists , and lower cliffs, is in San Mateo county. Funston and it's south Bowl is in San Fran County . The boundary between HG and PG was placed on the County line. This has lasted for 25 years , and has worked fine . Now , in 2015, PG wants HG to give up airspace above San Francisco County, and the space they want is the approach to the HG landing zone. PG also would like to linger in front of the Funston visitor deck . PG wants a concession from the GGNRA. Ok that's fine to ask . Now exactly what are PGers conceding to HG in return for the newly expanded flying area for PG? not a thing. i 'm currently crowded out of low flying at the the Dumps ,and so, i often can't fly the 3 miles of lift south of the Dumps. and now PG wants to carelessly clog up the Funston LZ approach with their parked aircraft . i can see that the phone calls and emails to GGNRA are going to continue , no matter what agreement is made soon, from those same four articulate and acrimonious PG / HG pilots. whether we let USHPA go to mediation or not , these same individuals are going to artfully complain. the easiest way out is to withdraw the ratings of the handful of pilots who are implicated in the loss of the Use Permit for Funston. without the Special Use Permit , there is no launching Hang Gliders at Funston . But why would PGers care about that? . Several indidviduals have been permanently banned from USHPA this year, because they repeatedly ,and foolishly, endangered flying sites, for example, Torrey Pines . Dear GGNRA managers , if you read this....unfortunately, preventing the few vocal PGers from calling and hassling you is not going to evolve from any written agreement. . signed Charlie Nelson , Funston HG pilot since 1990............and have a great day in the air kids! :lol: see you out there
email me at 'chahlieandkathy at yahoo dotto com'
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