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Hull Mountain Fly In 19th - 20th Sept

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:03 am
by Steve Rodrigues
Leo asked me to post this;

Hull Mountain Fly In 19th - 20th Sept

The "Hull Mountain Fly In" is an informal and fun and free event to encourage qualified fliers to test their skills in six categories. Each category is worth 100 points -

1) Launch technique, Olympic style judging. Penalties for all sorts of things , including farting, having things fall out of your harness after launching, how many times in your launch run you change your hand positions etc. Gotta be good!
2) Duration - longest flight
3) Spot landing - how many hang gliders can fit on the head of pin?
4) Altitude - did you get high today? Show us.
5) Streamer drop. Can you drop a streamer in a pickle barrel from 30,000ft? Well then try 200ft.
6) Landing. Olympic style judging ( this time with more judges who may / or may not have been partying for some time before you land. You'd better be good.

There will be winners. Maybe even some token prizes!!

Token prize donations are welcome.

Free flying on Sunday, though we easily have another comp with more prizes..

Fall flying at Hull is often really good. See you there.

Kudos to Charley Warren - who came up with the whole idea.

Leo Jones, - Club president, Sonoma Wings

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:35 pm
by sporty155
Uhh-hu-hu-hu uhh You said Token.....

Looking for Walter Whiteside

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:33 pm
by rhugel

I met Walter at the Hull flyin this summer, and have wanted to look him up since then. But I haven't had any luck finding his email address on the Funston site. Do you know Walter? Could you please give me his email address?

Thanks alot,


PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:48 pm
by mooncricket
wwhiteside [at]