As was discussed at the January club meeting, the membership feels that proposed amendments to the club bylaws should be posted on the Fellow Feathers web site rather than being taped to the clubhouse door. Please see below for the proposed amendment to Article XII, Section 1. These proposed amendments are also currently taped to the clubhouse door, per the current bylaws. The first of two required votes will be at the February 2011 club meeting. Please come to the next two club meetings and vote!
The current bylaw reads:
Section 1: These bylaws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present at two consecutive meetings. When the proposed amendments to the bylaws are five pages or less, they shall be posted in their entirety on the Clubhouse door at least ten days prior to the meetings. If the proposed amendments are more than five pages, notice that there are proposed amendments shall be posted on the door and copies of the proposed amendments shall be placed in a box next to the door.
Section 2: At least ten days before the meetings, the proposed amendments shall be e-mailed to those members who have provided the Club with their e-mail addresses.
Section 3: Any such amendments must be consistent with the provisions of the
Club’s permit agreements and any other requirements, regulations or
agreements with state and local governments, other relevant authorities and
affiliated organizations.
Proposed amendment final language would be:
Section 1: These bylaws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present at two consecutive meetings. Proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be posted in their entirety on the Fellow Feathers website at least ten days prior to the meetings.
Section 2: At least ten days before the meetings, the proposed amendments shall be e-mailed to those members who have provided the Club with their e-mail addresses.
Section 3: Any such amendments must be consistent with the provisions of the
Club’s permit agreements and any other requirements, regulations or
agreements with state and local governments, other relevant authorities and
affiliated organizations.