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March Fellow Feathers meeting

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:48 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
The next Fellow Feathers meeting will be on Tuesday, March 10th at 7:30 PM.

Some topics for discussion:

- All the H-2 rules that have been posted since the last meeting and possible revisions of same.

- New FF T-shirts will be available at the meeting for a suggested $20- donation.

- Dog bite problem may help resolve dog poop problem.

- Revive the Funston Air Races! I'd like to hold fun and low-pressure races or timed flights at least once a month, maybe more. If we can't get a monitor for the Westlake turn point we should try using the honor system. We need to put up some pylons on the side of the cliff to make it clear. We will need volunteers to help determine handicaps for single surface and double surface kingpost gliders so everyone can race for the same prizes of T-shirts or whatever. This would involve top pilots flying topless and other gliders at the same time and comparing the E.T.'s. We can hold a championship Air race during the Dan Murphy Memorial BBQ. Let's hear more ideas!