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Who wants to tow?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:18 pm
by Eric H
Reading about this upcoming pilot summit on Dec. 2, and visiting Ken Brown, Greg Minoli, and Paul Splann (Nor Cal Aero Club), this weekend gave me the idea of a winter fly-in.

I've flown for almost 14 years and this was my first time seeing aerotow in person. I never really had the desire to aerotow until I saw a beautiful video Eric Froelich made a couple years ago where they towed up above the clouds at sunset. That and seeing the operation they have going out in Dixon is more than enough to make me want to aerotow. Everything looked safe and efficient, and the convenience and ability to socialize before and after flights with all the pilots in one place is awesome.

It's great to have the ability to have several flights without driving, setting up, rolling up, or needing a driver, and it's a great way to get more airtime and landings when there may be nowhere else to fly. I think we should all get together to support these guys in their quest to start a regular towing operation, and with a central location it would be great to see pilots from Motherlode Sky Riders, Sonoma Wings, Cloudstreet Gang, Fellow Feathers, Wings of Rogallo, Marin County, Sacramento, Monterey Bay and Reno all converge and fill the sky with mylar, dacron, carbon, and aluminum.

December 10th and 11th is the next weekend they'll be out there, and I plan to be out there on the 9th to get my AT rating. I noticed on Flight Plans some people were thinking of going out there for spots, so we could have a spot landing contest and maybe a streamer drop or balloon catch. I talked to Kenny about sweetening the pot, and he seemed favorable to putting up some prizes.

I know it's short notice, but if people are interested, post something on the bulletin board. Pilots without aerotow ratings should come out Friday the ninth so they'll be ready to go. I also talked to Ken about a rain date the following weekend and he'll contact Greg and Paul to see if that's possible. I'm also thinking of putting together some food, maybe Ernie will help me do some tri-tips or something.

Let everyone know, come out and get u sum, or just come out and watch, and afterward we can all b.s. around the fire, eat, drink, and be merry.
