Just to be clear: potential teachers need to be okayed by the club Training Director whether or not they're certified Instructors (see
http://flyfunston.org/bowlrules.php.html ). Last year we did not appoint someone. Effective immediately, Henry Bittner has been appointed the 2005 Training Director. If you want to teach at the bowl his contact info is on
http://flyfunston.org/officers.php.html .
I am in favor of requiring that teachers be USHGA Instructors. I won't force that opinion if there's enough support to the contrary. However:
- Good/Bad: Of course there are bad, certified instructors. That doesn't mean the certification is the cause. If you don't like your instructor, find another certified one. I'd venture to guess that, on average, certified instructors are better teachers than non-certified ones, just as a result of their having received training on how to teach. We should all know by now that just because you're a good [whatever] doesn't mean you know how to teach [whatever].
- Cost: At least one certified instructor has volunteered to teach for free at the Bowl if it means implementing a certified-only rule.
- Availability of Instructors: dude, we have many, many in the Bay Area. Imagine the poor bastiges who want to train at the Fairbanks Alaska Training Bowl with a certified Instructor.
Fellow Feathers can even help out by putting together a list of available instructors OR (and here's a thought) contributing to the cost of certification for one future-Instructor pilot per year.
When my dad wanted me to learn to fly small airplanes, he didn't teach me himself. When I went to college, my parents didn't teach me themselves. If you wanted your kids to learn how to fly (which I do) wouldn't you want to either learn the training techniques or find the best, most experienced instructor around?
Teaching at the Funston Bowl? Great idea! Teaching from trained instructors? Better idea.