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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:29 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
NO HANG GLIDING FOR MOST OF Friday, OCTOBER 16, 2009 (changed from Tuesday)

Beginning on Friday, October 16, 2009, Power Engineering Contractors will be working on the City of San Francisco sewer outfall located on the beach below Fort Funston. This project is expected to take six weeks to complete.

Because of limited accessibility they are required to use a helicopter to transport equipment and materials to the job site. On the morning of October 13th, their plan is to transport over 20 pre-loaded boxes, with the helicopter in use for approximately 4 hours.

Half of the parking lot (nearest to the cliff) will be blocked off to ensure the safety of the public while the helicopter is in the area. Because of unpredictable weather conditions, such as fog or wind, the helicopter flight may be delayed a couple of hours to allow the fog to burn off in order to provide a line of sight for the pilot.

They will be posting signs notifying the public of this project, which will recommend hang gliders not fly in this area while the helicopter is present. A second helicopter delivery will take place in about 3 weeks, and a third visit will take place at the end of the project to retrieve their materials.

They apologize for any inconvenience this project might cause us, and greatly appreciate our help and cooperation.

Please watch the FF discussion board for construction updates and flight restrictions, and contact Steve R. if you have any questions.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:00 pm
by Steve Rodrigues
Please note the helicopter day was changed to Friday the 16th.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:45 pm
by fakeDecoy
A helicopter passed over today. The sign of the rising sun was spotted on its tail.
