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K5 diving

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:25 pm
by fakeDecoy
My Airwave K5 is diving a lot. Full VG helps the glide ratio unless I stuff the bar, in which case it dives like a friggin Falcon. It's done that since I got it. Dunno about the battens, as I don't have a chart. All I know is they're symmetrical.

The rear bridles are very tight. When the glider is tensioned it can take me a couple attempts to pull it up hard enough to connect to the kingpost, especially when setting up in wind. I've heard of adding some thingy at the connector to the kingpost to increase the slack an inch or two. And I've heard tight bridles may cause this and increased bar pressure. The bar pressure is already fairly light, but I can imagine it being a little lighter. Any other ideas what might be wrong?