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Web-based wx is fixed again

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:12 pm
by flyfun2
The ever-loved Davis Vantage Pro2 station is being a pain the butt again. I don't think it's broken, but it does require some on-site attention. I'll get to it tonight or tomorrow. In the meanwhile, please use the dial-up service or just look at the camera to see if the regulars are set up and flying.

Web wx working again

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:37 pm
by flyfun2 is happening again

1) Please don't unplug the computers, weather station or network connection in the clubhouse.

For future reference:
- The time on the wx station was significantly out of whack with the time on the wx computer ("Comet"). This didn't matter until the computer was powered down and the Davis station was disconnected. Setting the time on the VP2 close to that of the computer was part of the problem

- It sure would be nice if the VP2 console would go back to full operation after a power outage. At the moment, it goes into some kind of setup mode and you have to press the button manually to get it running again. What a pain.

- We should consider upgrading the wview weather software to the latest version. Might also be a good idea to get a newer computer with lower power use. Maybe a Mac mini, since we need some kind of *nix?

- We should also get the VP2 console re-flashed to take advantage of any bug fixes and to get the new DST dates automatically