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Glider spaces at the clubhouse

PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 7:47 am
by tom white
I would like to know if any progress has been made toward clearing out old, never flown winged stock from the clubhouse. As an active Funston pilot, I would love to have a spot for my glider - I've flown here since early eighties and have never had one. I have emailed Kimo several times, without reply.
Anyone know anything?
Tom White

Glider clearance plan

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 5:25 pm
by Daniel
There are several pieces of wood in the clubhouse that will be used to create a "glider purgatory" above the storage area. I think Henry and Bob are putting it up. When that's done, we can impound gliders.

So how do we choose which ones to impound? To start with, we agreed in the second last meeting (no minutes yet) that people who didn't pay for 2003 would be the first to have their glider impounded. We're looking at other criteria, but that'll be the first cut.



PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 9:12 am
by tom white
I would be happy to help with the construction, provide tools, etc.

Mr White is Out-a-sight !!!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 12:38 pm
by Henry Bittner
:D Thanks for you help Tom. :D I have purchased some 2x6 washers nuts and threaded rod to build glider purgatory :evil:

We will pad these beams really well with pipe insulation and then gently put the old forgotten and/or dead beat gliders up in jail, out of reach, and secured with a thick cable through the nose plates :? . If a guy wants his glider back he will have to call the club house manager, explain himself, and make amends. :oops: :roll:

Perhaps we could work on it after work this week of the weekend. 8)

Henry :shock:

Dead Beat Gliders

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:07 pm
by Jason
might you guys consider selling the freeloaders to people outside your cozy little club?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:14 am
by Guest

Kimo (club house manager) says that some times checks and renewals get "lost in the mail" and so a dead beat glider might be some responsible persons pride and joy and we should not sell it. We come up with glider purgatory and it seems like a good compromise.

Now the problem is getting Kimo to come up with the present status of every space in the club house. When we know this we will start cleaning up the place of dead beats.

Come to the meeting this Tues at 8:30 pm at the club house at the Fort is you would like to help encourage the process.


hey, thanks for the invite to the meeting

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:20 pm
by Jason
but i'm not a member. not yet anyway. i hope to be real soon. as soon as I qualify to fly at Funston, i'll be glad (and HONERED) to pay for my membership in cash and in person. As for the check is in the mail thing . . .I wouldn't be so kind about that. the check is always in the mail, and the wife and kids are always having emergencies. if I were you, i'd give the deadbeats 90 days to pay up or the glider is going on Ebay. you could raise a ton of money and take all the paying members on a flying trip to Rio de Janeiro.