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Free Memberships for Club Officers?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:56 am
by Dan Brown
In my opinion the proposal on the 3.11.08 agenda to give Club officers free memberships is a bad idea and should be withdrawn. There should be no reward or incentive for serving as a Club officer other than the satisfaction of fulfilling your duty as a Funston pilot and the occasional gratitude or ingratitude of your fellow pilots.

Those uninterested in hang gliding and wanting special privileges should become USHPA directors. (uk excepted)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:29 am
by Dan Brown
Steve did it ever occur to you that probably over 200 pilots including myself have served as Club officers w/o seeking compensation or a “gesture of gratitude”? Do you really think that we did not have “actual out of pocket expenses in cash, gas and bridge tolls, as well as lost wages … .”? You are the first to complain. And if “that’s not the point”, why bring it up?

You sound like Barry Bonds and soon will want your own rocker in the clubhouse. As Harry Truman once said: “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” The Club has a capable vice-president. You can end the crushing financial burden anytime you want.