Have you ever flown Dillon Beach?

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Have you ever flown Dillon Beach?

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:45 pm

The Sonoma Wings are spearheading the drive to re-open Dillon Beach!
We need to band together to get this awesome training site back, so if you have flown there, please send your testimony to John.


Fellow Pilots,

I need your help!

As you know, we’re working to reinstitute hang gliding at Dillon Beach’s Sugarloaf Hill. In the course of talking to the Marin County Planning Department and others, we discovered that we have an opportunity to argue for the inclusion of hang gliding in the Marin and Sonoma “Local Coastal Plan” documents, which roll up to the California Coastal Commission. The guidelines in these local coastal plans influence permits and regulations, which in turn can influence getting and keeping permits for flying at Dillon and other coastal sites.

The Marin County Planning commission is having a workshop for their Local Coastal Plan update on September 28. Prior to that meeting, we want to submit a letter from the region’s hang gliding clubs arguing the merits of hang gliding at coastal sites, especially Dillon Beach. That letter will have more weight if it contains some personal stories of pilots who trained and flew at Dillon in the days before it was closed.

If you flew at Dillon Beach, please send me a few words about your experience there. Please also forward this request to other pilots who flew Dillon and who may be willing to write a few words about it.

Send me your story before Tuesday, September 22 if you can. (I’ll keep gathering stories after that for use in subsequent documents.) I’ll collate and edit the testimonials into the official letter.

The testimonials can be short or long and have any form. You might mention:

· When and why/how you flew at Dillon (did you learn there, or just fly there)

· Why you think Dillon is a great/rare/unique/safe training and flying site

· How the Dillon Beach closure negatively affected hang gliding

· The value you think Dillon would have now to the hang gliding community and their families and friends

Don’t hesitate to call if you want to talk about the campaign.

John DeAguiar
john.deaguiar at sonomawings dot com

Sonoma Wings Hang Gliding Club

http://www.sonomawings dot com
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Steve Rodrigues
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Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 10:57 pm
Location: Brisbane, California

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