Power in the USHGA

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Power in the USHGA

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:38 am

If you would like the USHGA to focus it's attention and resources on non-powered soaring flight, please take a look at this petition. Unless you think we should become an organization for powered paragliders and ultralights.....

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We will get to choose!

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:19 pm

Due to the tremendous amount of feedback the USHGA BOD and EC received from the CCS and members regarding the upcoming power vote, the EC has decided to withdraw the vote and re-think the process of a new vote. Attached are some announcements from Lisa Tate (USHGA president) and Peter Birren (CCS).

From: Lisa Tate
Cc: Riss ; editor@... ; warren Schirtzinger
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 12:05 PM
Subject: EC Decision on Powered Harness Initiative

Dear Fellow Directors,

Due to recent developments with the powered harness vote, the EC has voted
to adopt the following course of action:

The EC has voted to alter the course the membership vote on the powered
harness initiative as it currently stands. We will still be going to a
membership vote, but only after the BOD itself has reached a resolution and
voted on this issue. Proceeding with a membership vote on an issue the BOD
has not taken a clear, consolidated stand on is backwards. As the Board,
organizational governance is our job. WE need to ensure effective
organizational planning, and to determine and monitor the organization's
programs and services.

Directors should act as supporters and builders of an organization, while
also playing the role of questioners and monitors of the organization. Also
in our governing role the board
must stand outside of the organization and hold it accountable to the

The EC has adopted the following, and Peter Birren, (along with the rest of
the CCS) have agreed to withdraw their petition for yet another special
membership meeting / vote, in favor and support of this proposal:

The EC will immediately appoint a Task Force as described below. I am
planning on appointing thingy Heckman as facilitator, with the following
individuals: Bill Bolosky, Davis Straub, Mark Forbes, Tad Hurst, Roy
Mahoney and Peter Birren.

NOW THROUGH MARCH 1: The task force will meet and develop up to 3
comprehensive, factual, proposals for the BOD to vote on in COS. It would
be great if the Task Force could develop one unified proposal, but I doubt
that will occur which is why I suggest limiting proposals to three. I
personally would see these three proposals as 1.) no power; 2.) All powered
harnesses; 3.) Limited powered harnesses. Each proposal will need to
identify realistic pros and cons, possible consequences, and
budgetary/financial implications for the Association.

EARLY MARCH: The final proposals should be in the hands of the BOD no later
than March 1. There will also be time available at the BOD meeting for a
brief presentation (15 to 20 minutes each) for all 3 proposals

FRIDAY, MARCH 17: BOD would vote on powered harness initiatives during old
business in general session. The winning proposal will be the action of the
BOD and will be presented to the membership for validation. The General
Membership meeting and vote on change of Association's name in the Article
of Incorporation will still occur as planned.

SOMETIME BEFORE THE OCTOBER BOD MEETING: Special Membership meeting to vote
on BOD resolution from March 17 meeting. This (will) be preceded by the
Notice to the Membership and the dissemination of the Proxies, etc.

The ramifications of our decisions in this matter will forever impact our
organization. We need to work together to resolve this volatile issue in
the best interests of our sports.

Lisa Tate
President, USHGA

From: Peter Birren <peter@...>
Date: Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:12 pm
Subject: New developments

Hi, guys.

The present change-the-AOI vote is OFF THE TABLE!

We on the CCS and you have worked hard to push the issue of no motors in
USHGA. Apparently our concerns have been heard which resulted in Lisa Tate
taking a strong, creative leadership position and making an offer we
couldn't refuse (it made _that_ much sense).

I see this as a terrific opportunity to finally and fully answer all the
questions and confront the problems we certainly saw with the all-motors
proposition. There will be no hiding from, twisting the truth or outright
lying because everything will be in the open - exactly how is not set up yet
but will be soon.

Read the following and let me know if you agree or disagree, or if you have
anything to add.

I hope you join in a round of applause for Lisa and support her idea.

- Peter

From: Peter Birren <peter@...>
Date: Sun Nov 20, 2005 10:20 am
Subject: The Petition and The Plan

I would like to personally (as much as these forums allow) thank everyone
who signed and sent in a NO MOTORS petition form. Your help in this matter
has in no small part caused the situation to change drastically. All sides
and potential outcomes will now be aired in full, both good and bad. There
will be no ignoring anything, least of all your signatures.

So continue to send them in as instructed at
http://www.poteau.com/petition.htm to register your opinion for no motors.

The CCS (The Coalition for Common Sense, or Helping Save USHGA from Itself)
has agreed to withhold the petition from going to a specific vote but the
petitions may still help later on by showing the board your opinion.

Thank you for helping. We will now fully cooperate and participate with the
new Task Force and work toward a better outcome for the future of the org.

- Peter

PS: please keep 'em coming... and keep the faith!
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Steve Rodrigues
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