Monthly Meeting Minutes - Jan 13th, 2009

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Monthly Meeting Minutes - Jan 13th, 2009

Postby tom white » Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:48 pm

Minutes / Fort Funston / Fellow Feathers Monthly Meeting Tuesday January 13, 2009

Tom White reporting.

Present : Van Pelham, Noah Dassat, Charlie Nelson, Raphael Lavin, Steve Rodrigues, Eric Mies, Bob Oniel, Tuna Ted, Larry Carpenter, Daniel Myzhraki, Tom Jensen, Adrian Delissier, Chuck Kranz, Mike Quinn, Sean Morris, Tom White. Sorry for all the misspelled names, and / or omitted persons /contemptible secretary skills, bad hair, etc.

1) Non profit status / application discussed – Steve will ask GGNRA to allow to require membership at upcoming mtg, to resolve issues.

2) T shirts / donations / need more T’s to fulfill orders.

3) Westlake officer has been eliminated, Tech officer has been created. Steve R appoints Chuck Kranz to Tech position, Chuck accepts.

4) Steve reports that chapter renewal with USHPA is up coming.

5) It was suggested that sand from Hiway 1 be used to fill sand trail erosion, decided not feasible.

6) Tom Jensen is now Training Bowl director. Tom will instigate trash collection events.

7) Clubhouse mgr reports out of 20 asked, 5 non active pilots agreed to vacate their glider spaces in favor of active pilots on the waiting list. Discussion of grandfathered 2 space pilots. Methods for proof of 20 hours flown to keep space discussed. Charlie will create a sign in sheet for pilots on probation. Charlie empowered by vote of club to create such list / in favor 14, opposed 2.

8) Treasurer had 2 acquisition requests; 1) Buy laser printer $150 - $250. Voted in favor 13, opposed 1. 2) Buy new energy efficient, flash drive rebootable computer to replace old, nasty ones in the clubhouse. Was decided that Treasurer will coordinate with new Tech officer on this, we will vote at next mtg.

End of meeting. Pretty sure.
tom white
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New Technology Director

Postby cliffblack » Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:22 pm

Charlie, you forgot to mention Chuck Kranz is the new technology director
Posts: 103
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Postby dave ruiz » Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:13 pm

kudo's to chuck!
"If you ain't a pilot ain't shit."
dave ruiz
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