by charlie nelson » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:18 pm
Hi guys and gals, a heads up , about drones. Lots of people around here have bought one, and they want to fly them. Funston is an attractive place to try that. Yesterday i saw a park policeman handing a ticket to a guy who was flying his drone at the north corner of the parking lot. If you see a drone flying alongside your glider, don't be too surprised,but know , it's an illegal act. you'll have to decide what to do at the time. these drones sometimes have a go Pro on them ,which you can see hanging below the fuselage . the goPro can swing around and view any angle , while the image is sent live feed to the pilot on the ground . so, you may not be able to figure out who is piloting the drone , because he could be far away. it sounds like Park police want to stop any aerial conflict problems before they start, so, maybe we won't end up seeing any of these wingmen on our tips. maybe carry a small tennis racket to drive away these insects....Charlie
email me at 'chahlieandkathy at yahoo dotto com'