Hang Gliding Photography Clinic - Sunday Feb 26th

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Hang Gliding Photography Clinic - Sunday Feb 26th

Postby Daniel Pifko » Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:10 pm

Announcing the 2006 Hang Gliding Photography Clinic

We are putting on this clinic because we want to see more, better hang gliding photos for the USHGA magazine, for other publications, and for our personal collections.

We are fortunate to have 2 highly experienced hang gliding photographers coming to talk about their experiences and gear. Bob Ormiston and Aaron Swepston have both published photos that make our jaws drop. Come hear them share their techniques and answer your questions.

We are also fortunate to have C.J. Sturtevant coming all the way down from Washington to talk about what she's looking for in submissions and how we can improve our photos to make them suitable for publishing in the USHGA magazine.

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Daniel Pifko
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Great clinic!

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:26 pm

I'd like to thank Daniel for putting the photo clinic together. I know there is a lot of work behind the scenes to pull it off and he did a great job.

The presentations were very interesting. C.J. had some good insight on how to get your work published, and both Aaron and Bob did great jobs talking about their photography. We also got to see some very creative camera mounts. The Dangle Cam was beautifully simple, though promises to be challenging to deploy and retrieve, as are some of the boom shots. It gave me whole new appreciation for the unique photographs we see in the magazine and calendar.

There was a lot to be gained on a wet Sunday!
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