Tandem Operations

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Tandem Operations

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:57 pm

This post is from myself and Dan Brown.

All members of the Fellow Feathers must be both diligent and vigilant in regard to tandem operations because any commercial hang gliding could terminate our special use permit and shut down hang gliding at Fort Funston.

The club has taken special measures to insure that our responsibilities are met by requiring that, for each new student, both tandem instructor and tandem student must sign a legal statement testifying that the tandem flight is being conducted without compensation.

All members are encouraged to confirm compliance by checking that signed statements have been placed in the green drop box folder kept in the safety trunk, and immediately notifying an Executive Officer or the Funston Tandem Director of any irregularity.

Out GGNRA Special Use Permit states: Section A, General Conditions, paragraph 5, “Revocation - This permit may be terminated upon breach of any of the conditions herein or at the discretion of the Superintendent.” “Condition I, Permittee Responsibilities for Managing Tandem Hang Gliding, paragraph 12, Commercial tandem flights or instruction are strictly prohibited.”

Note to all Tandem Instructors: Violation of FF or GGNRA rules will result in suspension of both solo and tandem flight privileges.

Commercial hang gliding not only could result in loss of the permit but if the activity were done under the sponsorship of a Club program, place the assets of Club members particularly officers at risk. Commercial activity violates Art. II of the Club’s Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, GGNRA regulations (2008 Superintendent’s Compendium), the Permit and the law. If there were an injury, the violations allow USHPA’s carrier to deny coverage and provide cause for the State of California to revoke the Club’s corporate status. If corporate status were lost, officers and perhaps members would be exposed to liability.

Commercial programs are permitted at some sites but not at Fort Funston. At Mt. Tam, commercial pilots have their own permit separate and apart from the Marin County Hang Gliding Association.

The consequences from commercial dog walking are different from the consequences from commercial hang gliding. Dog walkers do not have a permit that could be lost or belong to an organization with members who could be held liable.
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Steve Rodrigues
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