2009 Funston Air Races

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

2009 Funston Air Races

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:16 pm

This will be my first time organizing the Funston Air Races so I'm trying to keep it low-key. Meaning; I'm not getting the media involved or widely publicizing it.

I do need a few more volunteers to help run stop watches and monitor the Westlake turn point.

I would also like to get an idea of how many pilots would like to enter.

Please email me if you would like to lend a hand or if you want to race.

Details of the air race rules, format, etc will be posted here soon.

Steve Rodrigues
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Help needed

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:54 am

I can't run the Air Races without more volunteers and will have to drop it from the BBQ schedule.
I need at least four more volunteers to help out: Two people to each take a one hour shift monitoring the Westlake turn point, and two more people to do timing at the start/finish pylon on launch.
Please contact me if you can help!
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Air Races are ON!

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:50 pm

We now have a volunteer skeleton crew, so the Air Races are ON!

Thanks to everyone who have stepped up, there is still room for one or two more folks to help out!

Please review the following and let me know if you think I've overlooked anything important.

Let's go racing mon!


2009 Funston Air Race Details:

All entrants must possess a current USHPA card with minimum H-3 rating, have a 2009 Funston sticker, be at least 18 years of age, and sign the Funston Air Race waiver.
At this time, entry fees, if any, have yet to be determined. Same goes for prize money, but the winner of each class will receive a FF T-shirt and FF club membership for 2010. (a $50.00 total value!)

Entrants must tape their assigned number to the undersurface of their wing so the timers and turn point monitors can tell who they are. Race organizers will not be held responsible for mistakes made due to inadequate or missing numbers.

Air Race Format:

The goal is to see who can fly from the Fort Funston launch, south to Westlake, and back to launch in the shortest amount of time.

Racing will be by glider class, no handicapping, and no adding of ballast.

The four classes will be: Rigid, Topless flex, King-posted double surface, King-posted single surface.

The race window will open when the Launch Director determines that conditions are suitable for racing. At that time free flying will be limited to the Fort Funston cliff north of launch. Free flyers waiting to launch must give way to race contestants.

The race window will close two hours after it opens unless the Launch Director and/or race organizers see fit to shorten or lengthen the race window.

Due to safety and timing constraints, only three competitors will be allowed on course at any one time.

Elapsed times will begin when the pilots’ feet leave the ground. Racers must fly around and above the Westlake pylon, a flag at the edge of the cliff on the north fence line of the “octagon house”. The pilots’ body must clear the pylon. (not just a wing tip). The turn point will have a monitor with a radio and any pilot not clearing the turn point will be disqualified. (DQ’d)

The elapsed time will end when the nose of the glider passes in front of and above the Finish pylon, a flag at the edge of the cliff at launch. The competitor with the shortest elapsed time wins!

Racers may make up to three flights, but may re-launch only after all the other racers have completed their first flights. Racers must notify record keepers of their intention to re-fly the course. The pilots’ best time will be kept for the records.

Racers may be disqualified (DQ’d) for violation of International Ridge Soaring Rules, unfair or ungentlemanly conduct, endangering any other pilot or spectator, or any other reason agreed upon by the Launch Director and/or Race Organizer.

All decisions by the Race Organizers are final.

This race is meant to be FUN above all else. Anyone caught not having fun may be DQ’d!

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