Successful Pilot Summit

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Successful Pilot Summit

Postby Daniel Pifko » Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:28 pm

Here is a note from Juan about the Summit last Friday. What a great event! It was great to see all the people from the multiple sites I fly all in the same place.


Big thanks to all who attended the Pilot Summit Friday night, it was a
resounding success!

Present were around 100 people with many members from all the local clubs, many officers from all the clubs, both regional directors and the president of USHGA. Reportedly a great HAM radio emergency use workshop was held as well as a great blip spot clinic by Eric Reed. Lots of good food, door prizes, camaraderie and participation by the local flying community. Thanks again to all who worked hard to make it possible and all who attended.

We are probably the biggest free flying community in the county and united, as we were at the Pilot Summit, we can make things happen for our

Working together with our numbers, we have a louder voice and can make it easier to open new sites, keep our current sites open and keep us all flying.

So get out there and join and work with your local clubs, and remember, you are the clubs and you can make things happen!

Thanks again for making it a big success.

President WOR
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Daniel Pifko
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