Reporter looking for hanggliding enthusiasts for article

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Reporter looking for hanggliding enthusiasts for article

Postby Daniel Pifko » Tue May 16, 2006 10:13 am

Hi there,

Sorry to just barge in here and start posting. I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this, so I hope I'm not breaking any etiquette rules here. My name's Mike Rosen and I'm a reporter in the SF bay area writing an article for the East Bay Express on hang gliding. I'm trying to find out a little about hang gliding - not just the history or the technical aspects, but also something about its appeal. Whether you're an experienced glider or a new beginner, if you can explain a little about why you love to fly - or have any have any funny, scary, exciting or amazing stories to share - I'd love to talk to you.

So if you're interested in talking or have any questions about what I'm doing, please drop me a line at .

Thanks for your time!

Mike Rosen
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Daniel Pifko
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