Real bathrooms at the Fort!

Talk about Hang Gliding at Ft Funston and the Fellow Feathers Club.

Real bathrooms at the Fort!

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:38 pm

The GGNRA is planning to build real bathrooms at the Fort! More here;

I plan on attending the quarterly GGNRA open house to find out details. More here;

I'll report my findings as a reply to this post.
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The proposed rest rooms at Funston

Postby cliffblack » Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:15 pm

I hope we can push an agenda to eliminate the drinking fountain near the landing area and put in a new improved one (drinking fountain) near the rest rooms at the other corner of the parking lot at the same time, Yeah! This could help relieve some of the langing zone congestion and reduce doggie poop piles in the landing and take-off areas.
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Postby Steve Rodrigues » Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:30 pm

My main reason for attending the open house is to insure that the new bathrooms will include a drinking fountain and dog water station.

As far as removing the old fountain, that is a tough nut to crack. We ran into much resistance when we suggested this to the rangers last year.

One of the local rangers is usually very supportive of hang gliding, but the existing fountain seems to be his pet project. (no pun intended) and he does not want to see it go.

As an alternative to it's removal, we wanted to install an additional fountain/dog waterer at the north west corner of the parking lot by the other (Sunset?) trail head. This would keep the folks who use that side of the park from coming across the parking lot just to get a drink.

This project would be considered a capitol improvement and as a result would need plans submitted for GGNRA approval. I'm behind on my current commitments, but will be happy to head up this project if/when I ever get caught up!
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Postby Steve Rodrigues » Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:16 pm

I just attended the GGNRA open house and learned that there are no plans to install a drinking fountain or dog water bowl at the new restrooms. This seems like an easy thing to do since they will be bringing in water for the restrooms anyway.

As you know, I've been trying to reduce the impact of off leash dogs pooping in the hang glider set up area, and the additional drinking fountain/dog water station could draw some of the doggy traffic to the less populated NE corner of the Fort, not to mention being very convenient for those who walk trails north of the parking lot.

We can have an influence on the GGNRA by posting public comments before January 18, 2009.

Please go to; ... ntId=25138

and request they install a drinking fountain and dog water faucet at the new restrooms.

It would be great if you could pass this on to your friends!

Thanks very much,
Steve Rodrigues, President, Fellow Feathers of Fort Funston Hang Gliding Club
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Postby diev » Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:10 pm

Thanks is what I just sent....
I'll start a post on and I think we'ill get some help...

....I'm asking to PLEASE INCLUDE a drinking fountain (that big dogs can't lick) and a dog drinking station that doesn't tip over or have gross slimy (not moving) water in it...(a drip station or anything with moving water)...(there could even be a number of them in a row so more than one dog could drink at a time (less dog fights over the current "one water station"))...thanks, Diev.
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Postby diev » Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:48 am

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Postby Dan Brown » Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:04 pm

The water fountain was put in by the Club years ago when there were few dog walkers.

The installation of clean, modern bathrooms to replace the unsanitary outhouses may have unintended consequences. More visitors, more dogs, less parking.

Save the historic outhouses.
Dan Brown
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Proposed new rest rooms

Postby cliffblack » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:07 pm

Hi, The comment period for the new rest rooms will close on Jan 18th, so go the GGNRA web site and let them know how you feel. The hope is inclusion of a dog water fountain near the new rest rooms and hopefully the removal of the water fountain at the s/w corner.

here are my comments..

PLEASE INCLUDE a drinking fountain (for people and dogs) near the proposed new rest rooms at the north east corner of the parking lot.

As a gentle comment, I don't understand how the park administration can look the other way when over twenty commercial business owner dog walking operations use the GGNRA park at Fort Funston as a toilet for their clients dogs?

Some of the owners make a token effert to pick up the doog poop, however, as you can see time over time, they will drive into the park, release 6-20 dogs and half of them poop, the dog walker picks up two or three piles and leave another 4-6 fresh piles for others (non-dog owners) to pick up. These dog walkers are making HARD CASH using a public park. The park doesn't allow commercial operations to function at the park so I don't understand how truck after truck of dog (for fee) dog walkers continue year after year to rob the public of a clean and safe place to do recreation?

Please eliminate the water fountain currently located at the south west corner of the parking lot. The dogs drink there and then take a crap! About half the time it's picked up by the commercial dog walking business owner, we pick up the rest.

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