Fellow Feathers Club meeting 7:30 PM, January 13, 2009

Announcements from the Fellow Feathers club.

Fellow Feathers Club meeting 7:30 PM, January 13, 2009

Postby Steve Rodrigues » Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:57 pm

Fellow Feathers Club meeting 7:30 PM, January 13, 2009

Please come to the next club meeting and help guide our club into the new year.
Among other things, we will vote on two proposals that will change our Bylaws.
The following has been posted in the clubhouse door announcement box;

Notice: A proposal has been made to resolve an inconsistency in the numbering of certain club bylaws. The established format is; Article (by Roman numeral), Section (by number), Paragraph (by alphabet letter), Line (by number).
The inconsistency appears under Article V: Officers (Executive Committee), where the Section describing responsibilities of Officers is improperly numbered Roman numeral “VI”, when it should be numbered (Section) 3.
As a result of this mistake all the subsequent Bylaws Articles have the wrong Roman numeral in relation to Article V.

1) Change what is now “Section VI” to read “Section 3”.
2) Renumber the Articles after Article V to be in consecutive numerical order as follows; Article VI Special Committees, Article VII Removal from Office, Article VIII Fiscal Year, Article IX Discipline, Article X Amendments.

Notice: A proposal has been made to change to the club bylaws by eliminating the officer position of “Westlake Director” and adding the officer position of “Technology Officer”.


1) Revise Article V, section 1 to read; “The officers consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Technology Officer, Safety Director and Clubhouse Manager.

2) Revise Section 3,E, (otherwise known as Section VI,E), to read; “Technology Officer is responsible for maintaining, repairing and upgrading the telephone wind talker, weather station, webcams and supporting computers and networks, as well as maintaining and updating the club website www.Flyfunston.org.

These proposals will be voted on at the next two club meetings scheduled for January 6 and February 10, 2009. All members are encouraged to attend.
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Steve Rodrigues
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Location: Brisbane, California

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